A daft picture of five guys pulling a cockerel (for fun).


We’re a tight-knit group of designers — Alan Colville and Jon Tan — and developers — Andrei Zmievski, Chris Shiflett, and Jon Gibbins. Between us, we’ve authored and coauthored half a dozen books; given more than a hundred talks at conferences like OSCON, South by Southwest, FOWA, and Webstock; and helped the likes of Yahoo, Digg, National Geographic, Visa, and BlackBerry.

  • Alan Colville
  • Andrei Zmievski
  • Chris Shiflett
  • Jon Gibbins
  • Jon Tan

Earlier, Jon Gibbins was just pre-ordering Introducing HTML5 by @brucel and @rem. A day or two ago, Chris was reading Born to Run. A few days ago, Jon Tan was toasting @brucel’s BNP leaflet burning video with a grin and a bottle of Jamaica’s Dragon Stout. Alan was looking forward to wrapping up another UX article. Andrei was having delicious Brooklyn Blackout Cake after the equally good burger.


Making web applications and sites needs hearty portions of imagination, design, and engineering. This is how we mix them together:

  1. Plan:

    We do the research to understand the problem we want to solve, the people we’re helping, and the context we’re working within.

  2. Prototype:

    We sketch on paper and in code, shaping ideas and concepts into a prototype that we can test, evaluate, and iterate until it’s sound.

  3. Publish:

    We release! No time to rest, though: a quick pint, then back to researching, prototyping, and publishing the next iteration.

Talk to us

Thanks for stopping by. We’re not accepting work inquiries at this time, but we love hearing from our visitors, especially those who say nice things! Please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the box below (it will keep growing):